

Opendoor Studio Gearing Up for Weekend Sales!

flower in my garden...
  This Spring, ok so we are only one official day into it..., but I have been spending hours trying to get my things organized in my  Warrenville, IL Home and Studio
books and colorful finds

old school map, glove molds, ladders and more
Here are a few views of the "work in progress" ... I still have so much more to display and everything to price...
         Remember, everything you see is also for RENT!
one globe from my vast collection and some cool trunks and boxes!
 Motivated by several shops in Barrington, the town of my youth,  where they fling the doors to the warehouse open wide... on a beautiful day, and send emails out to a reminder!
I have been filling my garage with vintage finds for some time now...
I have had a little "studio" where I love to set up vignettes... my folly!
( it also acts as storage for the many shows I will be on the road for this year!)
I will be opening it on special weekend and week days, to friends, family and passers by.  

an example of the smallest sale sign...the others are huge and fun!
My Husband made a few special signs,
I painted them to say "Vintage Sale Today" 
 I will try to keep up with an ever growing Email list of folks who might be interested in stopping by, in their travels.

   Please contact me at if you would like further info about anything you see here!
         oh...and send your email to the address above if you would like to be added to my list!
       Thanks so much to customers and friends for their encouragement (oh and my Husband and kids too!)
Can't wait to see you SOON!
oh....Now I am able to accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express cards for your convenience!


  1. martha! this looks awesome...magical even! may lots of happy shoppers fill your barn!

  2. I am getting inspired to host a little arts, plants and vintage in the garden impromptu sale myself.
    thanks Martha for your inspiration!

  3. How exciting! Good luck Martha. We might take a road trip this summer out your way so we might have to stop by if we make it that far North.


Thank you for your comment! So glad you stopped by!