

Recipe books

Remember days gone by... when your Mother or Grandmther would submit their favorite recipe to the local Church for inclusion to their cook book?  Well, I adore these.  they are a wonderful reminder of the past.  Occasionally you will find a recipe that calls for lard, or Accent flavor enhancer or an aspic Jello mold... ingredients we don't think to use or make today, but you can find some gems too.  I just found this, almost 2 inch thick recipe book at the Goodwill for under one dollar.  I know, I know... you are saying "we have the internet to bring us a plethora of vintage recipes" and family favorites... but to see them in print is something I love.  One of the reasons I adore books like this is that you can just feel what it may have been like at Doris Johnsons Sunday Brunch, or Adelles bridge parties.  This book was printed for the Loyola Academy from 1981.  Although I did not attend, I appreciate the recipes and the time it took to prepare a community cook book.  They are true treasures and time capsules as well.  

A note from the President of the Loyola Academy 1981 and the presentation of the Loyola feast and to Beau Monde and the Addenda.  A collection of recipes from  days gone by.

 Thumbing through I found this recipe... it used to be my " go to " for a take along appetizer to a friends or a Super Bowl party.  A simple Rumaki recipe, sans the liver. This recipe includes water chestnuts, bacon, soy sauce and brown sugar. I believe my recipe called for some ginger as well... but I am sure this one is just as yummy!

When I came upon this one, I had to contact my College room mate.  I remember her parents owned a "Beer Depot" in Wisconsin and she brought this back for us for the holidays... she had prepared it at home and we kept it sealed a tupperware container, in the tiny freezer ( if you can call it that) in the little brown 6 cubic foot refrigerator in our dorm room... ( along with some  fine Mogan David or Boones farm wine!)  Somehow I thought it called for a can of beer... but I may be mixing up the recipes. Seems like everything called for a can of beer when I was in College... and in Wisconsin to boot!

I was searching for a recipe for a Harvey Wallbanger cake.  A friends mom makes it best but she will not give up the recipe... Maybe someday... but I have a felling that one will not be passed down.  It is a shame! Such a yummy cake!

If you have a favorite recipe, post a link to it below, or write it in the comments... if you would like me to search this book for a favorite... just leave a comment there as well.
     ps. if your Grandma, or Mom, Dad or Sister, Great Aunt or friend are still living and they have a recipe YOU love... email them or call them today for a copy... it is extra special when You have it written in their handwriting... better yet. Write down your own and share them.    Don't let them get lost... especially if they are a family favorite!

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