What a surprise this morning when I learned, via my friends Laurie from Birdie1.etsy.com and Kathy from Flumestreet.etsy.com who emailed me, that my home was featured yet again on Etsy! This time in the Etsy Finds email for July 15th! <--- click here to view with links.
I NEVER tire of the honor!
Here is a copy! You can share it with your friends if you like!
What an honor it is to be recognized by Etsy yet again! And, I have been told by Christine, Etsy admin, Mine was the most viewed and commented "Get the Look Decor" blog post in Etsy history. I am sure that had to do with all of the support from the Vintage Etsy Society Street team! ( join us ...won't you?)
Enjoy... I am!
Thanks for keeping us up to date! Love your tunes as well.