

It's a Small World After All!

It's a small world out there! Recently I met a dynamic vintage seller at the junk warehouse in Barrington, IL , who mentioned to me that she had a little place on some beautiful acreage in Door County. When I told her my goal of being up there in the coming years, she said we should keep in touch through our blogs to see our development... until our goal of being in the "Door" is reached!
She envisions having Vintage sales there, I mentioned the same! MY goal is to someday open a studio there and call it " Open Door Studio". I hope we are able to keep in touch to see our progress!

It is a lovely place and I only wish I would have thought about purchasing there 8 years ago... when it would have been possible!

1 comment:

  1. Martha, it was so great to meet you at the Na-Da Farm sale tonight. As soon as I unpacked I went right for the keyboard to see your Etsy site. LOVE IT. I just love vintage colors. Whether the color is worn, primitive, or pops, just like you said, it is for me. I will be in touch. I would love to talk about me setting up Etsy, and everything else!!!


Thank you for your comment! So glad you stopped by!