

Etsy Project Embrace! If you don't know about it... you should!

My friend Jean of included my Art shop and more specifically, my " Kansas Mainline " painting. Her lovely treasury was throughly "peacocky" ! Jean coined that one while creating a beautifully blue and green treasury.
The main intention of the treasury, however, was to support Etsy Project Embrace, an ever growing group of Etsians who together are supporting the fight against cancer.

Said Best by Kristin of;
"Etsy project embrace is a Universal Coalition of Artists whose main purpose is to create awareness and support for people who have been diagnosed with Cancer, whatever kind it may be. The project began as a way to help our friend and wonderful Etsian, Laura Slocum, who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is currently having chemotherapy. You can read more about Laura and her incredible uplifting journey here
Feel free to join us on this Thread, by sharing your experiences, giving out healing energy to those who need it and posting any EPE related information including Treasuries, blog posts, donation listings, announcements, etc….. or just a friendly post to say “Hi!”…. "

You can help fight cancer by making a donation to the American Cancer Society.
I know we have all been touched by cancer one way or another... a parent, friend, loved one, or ourselves!
Please consider giving a gift... the gift of research...of HOPE ...of a CURE!!!
What a wonderful group of creative women! I am hopeful that I will become a member in the near future!

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