

Photos of the Day

State Street Chicago

Macy's Chicago Christmas Eve 2011


Back to our Creative Roots!

Feeling like I had been missing my creative roots...especially this Holiday Season...
 My Daughters and I decided to create"One of a kind" projects!
Among them... this pretty, colorful scarf!

Laying down the fibers.  Approx. 25 strands of beautiful and colorful... Noro, 100% wool.
 this is old stock from about 2001

Years ago...
I had chosen my Etsy shop name to be
It would be a place for all things handmade
one of a kind items...
but instead,
It turned into my Vintage shop!

It was supposed to have been...
A place where I would sell my one of a kind paintings, Photographs and handmade items
 including my Scarves!

Fast forward 4 years... 
My Daughter Aubrey approached me to help her create a scarf

I was delighted she asked me
It was wonderful to have had the chance to share my knowledge!
 We enjoyed making this felted scarf! 
This time... as a gift for a boyfriend's Mom 

Here is the process:

selecting roving for the flowers

 It had been 8 years since I had pulled out the  fibers and I was so happy she was willing to learn.
I had the roving on hand so it was fun to choose from these bright colors
 Create our signature COLORFUL florals!

some alpaca locks that were hand selected in Estes Park Colorado!

laying out the floral design

details of a woolen floral

adding colorful fibers!

A  little "glitz' for the flowers... note the  center... sequins on cotton thread.

the design is complete

The felting process beging... layers of  cotton towels, bubble wrap then voile, followed by the fibres and more voile...  add  some suds and  water to begin the felting process.

continue the felting process.  " roughing up" the fibers ... and continuing until your piece is " ONE"

close up's of the finished product!


Christmas time around OpendoorStudio!

Our tradition is to mix it up every year!

This year, we painted little canvas'

Aubrey's little portrait of our Cat ... Ellison.
Hannah's depiction of Santa!
My little Red flyer wagon

 put up the white tree,

dotted it with colorful vintage style lights ...

...and adorning it with zippers for garland !