I love Etsy for this reason! (and it happens more than we know)
The world becomes a smaller place everyday!
Several months ago I listed the darling Cherry Earring, bracelet and necklace set on Etsy. It was often used in Team treasury's and such. Not much action at first.
About a month and a half after it was listed I received a convo from a nice woman named Karen who lived in florida. Karen had seen a pink bakelite bangle and loved it... she decided to set out on a quest to search Etsy sellers to find just the right vintage bakelite piece... she came upon my shop. She loved the set and was unable to purchase it immediately so she asked if I would be kind enough to put it on hold until she was paid several weeks later. I am always happy to do so! While it was reserved I had 4 other women ask me " if she doesn't pay... Let me know and I will purchase it"
Like clockwork. When payday arrived, Karen paid and the set was hers!
We had never met and probably would not, we lived miles apart. I am in the Chicagoland area and she is in Florida!
After she purchased the collection, she convoed me and said. "Can you hold off until I am in the Chicago area visiting my sister until you ship. At that time you can ship to her house"! I asked here where that would be... she said she would be just one town away! I was thrilled. The funny thing is that they have just removed the auto postal machine from my neighborhood office and now, if I would like to ship after hours, I have to go to the town she lives in to do it. I suggested we meet and I can present it to her in person! I love meeting my customers!
Fast forward about 3 weeks. Today we met! My daughter decided to shop with me today so we headed out and brought the little ribbon tied box along with us. After pulling into the dunkin donuts lot, I saw Karen and her sister Cheryl sitting inside! I immediately began to wave. They were sitting eagerly in the window!
I entered and from that moment on, it felt as though we had been kindred spirits!
When I came in and sat down Cheryl passed me some wonderful original ACEO's she had done! They were gloriously colorful and so creative. Cheryl even threw in a pretty paper bookmark for ME! WOW!
After some conversation and my asking if and where she took art classes, she mentioned she takes them from my local art league and proceeded to tell me her favorite teacher was a wonderfully creative woman named Tina. I had taken classes from Tina in the Spring. Turns out Cheryl, Karen's sister, had been taking from Tina for some time and I just happened to take the 6 week session that she had missed. Two ships passing in the night so to speak!
We talked some more and found that both gals have been eyeing things in my shop, they had even read this blog! Cheryl has aspirations to one day return to Wisconsin and maybe even live in door county herself! They had both marked my shop as a favorite! They had checked out my " pleinairpainter.etsy.com " shop and even loved my little aceo of "Kansas main Line" ! We had so many things in common! How amazing is it that 3 strangers from so far away would come down to having such wonderfully " in common " experiences!
I love that about the universe! Things happen for a reason! I have been blessed to have met such lovely ladies, the Necklace set looked splended on Karen. She had brought along a shirt just to wear with it as soon as she received it!
Cheryl and I will see one another again! If it is to paint out or to meet at the art league!
I believe the LORD works in mysterious ways!
In our limited 15 minutes, we discovered much about one another! I just LOVE that!