Thought it was time to introduce you to some wonderful Vintage sellers on Etsy.
I love them because they are incredibly talented and caring people. Believe it or not, one can make some terrific friends selling on Etsy.
has become a friend. She is kind enough to think of me and to feature something from my shop in her fresh treasury's.
Her photography is outstanding and
I admire the way she carefully stages each piece
for her photos.
Her care and attention to detail is apparent in everything she does.
Kathi is currently donating 10% of her sales to a fellow etsian who has been striken with cancer.
Now that is what it is all about!

Lauren at
has become a friend as well. The approach she takes in developing her etsy shop creates such a fresh,
clean look.
Clean lines and that shiny apple, which always graces her photos, are her trademark.
Lauren is so kind to alert me whenever she sees my shop featured... she also lets me know when something needs attention.
Misspellings and bad links, she notices when I have not posted things for a while. Whenever I hear from her and she mentions that... I am sure to jump back in and do some listing. She is keeping me going ( I don't know that she knows that)
But I just LOVE that and only wish we lived closer so that we could get together for coffee to discuss fresh ways to keep motivated! Thanks Lauren for your encouragement... Always! vintology is currently having a sale...be sure to stop by and pick up a fun vintage find!

One of my newest Etsy friends is from the U.P. Michigan... Heather runs She jumped in with both feet recently, and has caught the attention of the Etsy Admin staff. She has been featured in many front page treasury's as well as gift guides.
Her kind convos brighten my day.
Her eye for selecting items and staging her photos is wonderful.
Heather has added some fresh, fun repurposed finds like the one seen in the photo above.
Clicking on her shop ... you will see what I mean.

Sandy has become friend and I am so lucky that she lives in the area. Her shop, features some fun finds.
We have gotten together, when we can, to chat about what's new in our shops... we have shared techniques and tips and she has a great eye for finding some awesome things while vacationing with her family.
Sandy's eclectic mix is sure to spark your imagination and I am sure you will find something you enjoy from her shop!
She has some great vintage chairs, fans and luggage too!
I can't wait to feature some of my handmade friends too...Stay tuned!